Broadcast awarded the post-production studio several accolades at their annual Best Places to Work in TV awards.

The Finish Line was recently named as one of the 2023 Broadcast Best Places to Work in TV, coming in third in the Training, Development and Resources category, and first in both the Leadership and Planning category and the Non-Indies category.
The awards programme began in 2015 and is promoted by Broadcast in partnership with Best Companies Group. This industry-wide survey and awards programme was designed to identify, recognize and honour the best places of employment in the television industry, benefiting the industry’s economy, workforce and businesses. Companies from across the industry entered the two-part process to determine the Broadcast Best Places to Work in TV. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices and demographics. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience.
These awards would be a titanic honour for any post-production company and its employees, but for our team, it’s the culmination of more than a decade’s hard work. Early in my career, I began working long hours, often squeezing jobs that should take two or three days into one. Then I suffered a mental breakdown. It was while recovering that I resolved to change the status quo by founding The Finish Line.
Today, we have taken this company from an idea of what this industry should stand for and made it into a reality. A lot of the time, that means fighting for what is right. We have hard conversations with clients to ensure every artist works for a healthy amount of time each day. We want everyone to feel they have the space they need for work to be done properly. And we want everyone to prioritise spending time with loved ones, rather than working late. To do this, we have both recovery time and smarter pipelines in place, with rates structured to encourage remote and unattended work. That incentivises our clients to give artists the space and freedom to work in a way that suits their needs.
Zeb Chadfield, Founder of The Finish Line
Broadcast was joined by the featured employers at the Best Places to Work in TV reveal event on Tuesday, 24 January 2023, to celebrate and discuss how to be even better for those who make incredible TV happen. The Finish Line were also recognised and honoured in a special Broadcast supplement that was published on 26 January 2023.
For more information on the Broadcast Best Place to Work in TV programme, visit